Wednesday, 22 January 2014

Sorting Out Sid - Beer and Blogger Contest

Multifaceted mommy-of-three cum author cum many things Yashodhara Lal has penned another laugh riot titled Sorting Out Sid. As soon as I heard about this interesting SOS contest here, I got down to writing this post. The selected winners get an invite to a special luncheon that also gives a chance to hobnob with fellow bloggers. Yay! 

Currently available on Flipkart, this book promises a hilarious ride. So, here’s my entry to the contest about a funny incident related to beer. Let’s get started. Hic Hic Hurray!

Sorting Out Sid reminds me of the time when my parents were busy Sorting Out Shiv! Shivam, my younger brother is fondly called Shiv in the family. Well, my bro’s tryst with beer happened earlier than my parents had envisioned. It was a momentous day as he had just cut a chocolate cake, blowing away 16 candles. The house was brimming with noisy aunts, clamoring kids and his few gawky school friends. Dad raised a toast to his son’s clean teens – a record of sorts even in those days.

The party wrapped up and his friends (four boys) slept over. It was assumed that the boys would go hungry in few hours, so my parents ensured that the stock of cola cans and crisps get replenished. Mum kissed him goodnight and promised prompt action in case they needed anything anytime.

Dawn broke, the doorbell chimed and phone-calls buzzed but the boys slept blissfully through the morning mayhem. Dad tiptoed softly and peeped in his room. The youngsters were scattered like Lego links – their faces tranquil, limbs hanging loose. Before he could turn his back, the stillness in the room was suddenly marred by a sharp clinking sound. It turned out that Malti, the house help was sweeping the room and had been extra zealous that day. Before dad could display his discomfort, another unfamiliar clink sound echoed in the room. It sounded like a minor collision. Soon, Malti’s efforts of sweeping under the bed gave answers to those beery beery curious questions.

A bottle rolled out. An empty beer bottle. Dad gave that solve-this-puzzle-like-right-now look to Malti. She read the cue and brandished her broom again. Another masterstroke and rolled out a few more. And more. There were nine in all. 650 ml each. Extra strong lager. Emptied, left to lounge around under the bed. It was hard to tell which expression was priceless. Malti’s Eureka moment or dad’s disbelief!

Let me not bore you with rip-roaring details of what ensued that morning. But recently, more than a decade later, my bro Shiv got married. His romance with beer is still on whereas his wifey loves soups. I got a theme-based cake made for them. An ode to their beery crazy personalities. Here's a glimpse.

A couple in love with their loves – beer and soup!

Hope this story made you smile and gave you that déjà vu moment. Now I hope the judges smile too!


  1. Hey Shagun

    I loved this post!

    Really funny incident!

  2. very informative post for me as I am always looking for new content that can help me and my knowledge grow better.
